Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bizarre marketing... anyone?

If you weren't aware already, the company I work for is an import and export company specialising in product development - however the generic description would simply entail a vague definition of a retail-supply entity.

Anyway, one of the niche's we cover is flash/memory - to be specific, USB memory sticks, SD memory cards and other computer peripherals and accessories.

Now, the Chinese/Taiwanese have been known to make ANYTHING but I have never seen a USB drive as bizarre as this (remember we are expected to sell such items to our major clients - Woolworths, Big W and Dick Smith Electronics:

I love how the crucifix is under the guise of the official USB certified logo... Let alone the fact that the product is marketing 'data protection' via religious paraphernalia. There's only one transcendent being who could protect your data this well... and it's not Mr. T...

...Guess who.

I bet this puppy would sell like shit off a shovel in Mexico....


Friday, August 15, 2008

Should be doing an economics quiz but...

Rationalism - the very form of philosophy that neutralizes and brings together harmoniously the contempt of the cynic and the spirtely language of the optimist. A frame of mind so apparently simple, yet so distant to many who fail to grasp the concept of looking at the world from the outside in. It all starts with a dichotomy of mind set... Some people shift themselves towards the bitter side, other to the brighter side. In context, we are looking at rationalism from a behavioural standpoint... i.e. how people react to the same situation given their chosen or perhaps inherent approaches to life. Like all philosophical indoctrinations, rationalism has its flaws... It lacks emotion, whereas the two polar opposites of pessimism and optimism are highly tainted by their flair on the emotional spectrum. However in weighing up these comparisons, we are doing so without including the spiritual demeanor, as religious beliefs do indeed play a quintessential part in sculpting the ego. Actually... It's ignorant to conclude that there are only three 'isms' on the emotional scale...

In fact, if I were more knowledgeable, an astute man such as myself would elucidate every single 'ism' and assess the impact on the human commodity... But doing that is stupid, and pointless... Like this blog. Why?

...Simply because people get so lost within themselves that they seek to ascribe themselves to every single 'ism' in order to feel like they have a purpose. I'm talking about the people that in doing so preach to you in their utter disillusionment... Fucking wake up and take a step outside of yourself, the lot of you... I could not give a shit if you've found your new 'path' in life because you recently skim-read a book on buddhism or existentialism while smoking weed. You are as shallow, and as pathetic as the beliefs you condone or condemn. It's all rubbish and the answer to all of your big questions lies right underneath your nose, in black and white... Stop being a dick and you might achieve something within yourself. Even you know that your substance induced philosophical journeys are all pretence... And what about the people who write that garble? Seriously man, is there any need to get a Masters in psychology or philosophy just so you can punch out another abysmal book on equilibrium or epistemology when it's already been done before? Let alone sell your bullshit to the malleable minds seeking life's 'answers' when you're merely capitalizing on the consumer's fragile state of emtional disconnection. It's all the same really, Self-help clinics, bible readings, cult-phenomenon such as Scientology, spiritual guides, Tarot cards, clairvuoyants and other bogus gimmicks that people consume, and consume, and consume...

Why is it that you need people to tell you how to think and how to feel? Because you don't... No-one does. What's the old cliche? ..."Life is a journey of self-discovery"? - Key word, SELF. Search into your own soul, if you believe you have one, and stop being so fucking gullible and sheepish... Otherwise, for someone 'uniquely human' you're going to end up like over 90% of people on this Earth... A senseless, transperant person. No-one knows who they are when they're brought into this world, but that doesn't mean you have to de-rail the life you built up to go ravaging through the slightly variated philosophies of world cultures...

I respect people's beliefs, and by no means do I question them at all... But I respect it more when people have a backbone, believe in themselves and don't preach to me when they lack substance.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Productivity is a Powerhouse... Like me and my huge muscles.

I'm at work right now, needlessly skimming over the profiles of other bloggers looking to put into action my own aspirations of actually posting something for once... I've realised that I really don't give a shit about writing stuff of critical spontaneity... Well, going out of my way to do it anyway. If something pisses me off in future, no doubt I'll post it... But in the meantime get used to the cliché 'daily life' post that's gonna keep my mind fresh and perspicacious...

The potential of blogging networks is unsubstantiated... they are constructive and engaging... unlike the rest of the internet, aside from http://www.lolcats.com/ which pwns at life.

Anyway, the past chain of events have brought about the following developments... Uni is back which is good I guess because I'm coerced into some sort of routine-like structure of things... The only thing I didn't miss about uni though is those trains... god-damn... oh yeah and the copious amounts of study that I fail grasp..

My new-semester resolution is to not fail anything... And in saying that, perhaps I got the most valuable piece of advice humanly possible from my marketing tutor who I've known for about 2 minutes... "Aim as high as possible, and you can't fail..." somewhat true, but then when the advice was reiterated by a semi-drunken substitute marketing lecture with a manicured mullet and a knack for incorrectly assuming that everyone is a dumbass but himself wrote on the overhead... "Fail to Plhn, Plan 2 faill" -- I kind of lost faith in the old cliché.

I'm liking the economics subject... Putting aside the fact that my understanding of the graphical element is about as comprehensive as my understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphics, it has a real philosophical side to it... That, and it's application is unlimited across all facets of a capitalist society. Also, it gives me more ammunition against the wrath of the Rudd... As my understanding of eco grows, his credibility decreases.

Because I'm being boring and all... Here are some shitty phone pictures of my office and shiz... Just because I can... It's uhhh... my office (lame)

...And some snaps from my school's 10 year anniversary (it turned 10, I didn't graduate 10 years ago... I'm still 19 for christs' sake.):

Anyway I'm about done for today... Going to see the X-Files on Friday so that should be aiight... I think I'm going to have a booze free weekend. After the school reunion last weekend and me running a muck in the catholic club (which resulted in me puking the next morning) in Campbelltown I think I won't be touching beerskiis for a while...
