Sleep deprived from an epic week. That's a good summation of how I feel right now. Let me begin...
Monday - Six hours of collective study for my Marketing exam on Tuesday. It's fair to say, I think I aced it.
Tuesday - Mid-semester for Marketing 101. I arrived at uni, and had to buy a lead pencil. Yaaaaaaay. Pretty boring day. Got home, tried to study for economics the next day, but failed dismally.
Wednesday - Aside from the outcome of my economics exam (who would of thought 1 hour of multiple choice would be my idea of hell...), I had a pretty cool day. I got to uni around 12ish and met up with Xander and Tim... We had lunch @ market city, and had a look at the new street fighter (it looks pretty awesome). Upon walking to the exam at the piece of shit that is Wentworth Park, Tim was giving Xander shit by saying that if Xander was ever in a movie, he'd be nothing more than a Side-kick or an extra. Dunno why I found this funny, but it was.
On the way home... The funniest shit happened on the train. I'm pretty sure the train driver was under the influence of something because he couldn't quite manage to park a 6-car train (yes, the short one) neatly next to the platform... He over-shot half of it... and this was the hilarious end result:

Me and this other dude next to me started pissing ourselves laughing... Because one dude went to walk out of the train autonomously when the doors opened and he nearly fell onto the railway tracks.
Turns out the guy was pretty cool... Some dude named Mitch, goes to ACU, same age as me and shit... The journey home is always shorter when you get talking to someone.
Thursday - Spent 9-5 at work... Which sucked. I felt like shit when I got home... I actually puked up coffee, which was awesome. Well done Nescafe, you make a quality grind. But after I puked, I felt good again... Haha... (I think what happened was that I didn't rinse my mug out properly at work, hence I probably mixed in some detergent with my coffee -- delicious... MmmMmmm).
I forgot I was going to see The Faint @ the Metro (hence the title), so my shit day was redeemed by an awesome night in the city. Met up with Laura and Amy... Hit up the pizza hut buffet on George, took some cheesy photo's in those Asian things in the arcade and then went to the gig. I must say, if you haven't heard The Faint and want a good dose of big-beat electro then download some of their tracks... Awesome band to see live.
Got home at like 1.30am, woke up at 6am for yet another day at work... YEAH!!!! Which brings me to Friday...
Friday - As mentioned above, got up waaaaay too early, not enough sleep and now I'm writing this to keep me occupied seeing as work is dead. On the plus side, I have the Sharks vs. Storm game to look forward to... and sleep.
And now I'm gonna leave you with a picture of my puppy. This photo makes me laugh, no idea why... Probably because I'm used to seeing pictures of LOLcats with the caption "I Can HaZ CheeZburgeR!?!?!"

Monday - Six hours of collective study for my Marketing exam on Tuesday. It's fair to say, I think I aced it.
Tuesday - Mid-semester for Marketing 101. I arrived at uni, and had to buy a lead pencil. Yaaaaaaay. Pretty boring day. Got home, tried to study for economics the next day, but failed dismally.
Wednesday - Aside from the outcome of my economics exam (who would of thought 1 hour of multiple choice would be my idea of hell...), I had a pretty cool day. I got to uni around 12ish and met up with Xander and Tim... We had lunch @ market city, and had a look at the new street fighter (it looks pretty awesome). Upon walking to the exam at the piece of shit that is Wentworth Park, Tim was giving Xander shit by saying that if Xander was ever in a movie, he'd be nothing more than a Side-kick or an extra. Dunno why I found this funny, but it was.
On the way home... The funniest shit happened on the train. I'm pretty sure the train driver was under the influence of something because he couldn't quite manage to park a 6-car train (yes, the short one) neatly next to the platform... He over-shot half of it... and this was the hilarious end result:
Me and this other dude next to me started pissing ourselves laughing... Because one dude went to walk out of the train autonomously when the doors opened and he nearly fell onto the railway tracks.
Turns out the guy was pretty cool... Some dude named Mitch, goes to ACU, same age as me and shit... The journey home is always shorter when you get talking to someone.
Thursday - Spent 9-5 at work... Which sucked. I felt like shit when I got home... I actually puked up coffee, which was awesome. Well done Nescafe, you make a quality grind. But after I puked, I felt good again... Haha... (I think what happened was that I didn't rinse my mug out properly at work, hence I probably mixed in some detergent with my coffee -- delicious... MmmMmmm).
I forgot I was going to see The Faint @ the Metro (hence the title), so my shit day was redeemed by an awesome night in the city. Met up with Laura and Amy... Hit up the pizza hut buffet on George, took some cheesy photo's in those Asian things in the arcade and then went to the gig. I must say, if you haven't heard The Faint and want a good dose of big-beat electro then download some of their tracks... Awesome band to see live.
Got home at like 1.30am, woke up at 6am for yet another day at work... YEAH!!!! Which brings me to Friday...
Friday - As mentioned above, got up waaaaay too early, not enough sleep and now I'm writing this to keep me occupied seeing as work is dead. On the plus side, I have the Sharks vs. Storm game to look forward to... and sleep.
And now I'm gonna leave you with a picture of my puppy. This photo makes me laugh, no idea why... Probably because I'm used to seeing pictures of LOLcats with the caption "I Can HaZ CheeZburgeR!?!?!"

1 comment:
hurry up and write a new blog LOL
you're getting lazy....
Talk to you later =)
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